Faith Fest is a celebration of Christ among believers, as well as not-yet-believers, gathering together as one; God's people in fellowship and anticipation of revival among all.

God is the creator of liberty, and the One to Whom we look for the security that transcends all else.

The assembly of musicians and inspirational speakers that will gather for this year's Faith Fest have been prayerfully selected to present a unique experience of God's presence for all who attend. 

Our prayer is that you and your family and your friends will join us all in this unified embrace of God's great love toward us, and that together we can all experience His renewing grace; then take that out to a lost and hurting world that is seeking exactly what He has to offer.

There will be food trucks, booths and a secure kids area available, with bounce houses and biblical based children’s activities, so bring the entire Family.

It all begins with god.